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Get Right Witcha

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Wikipedia article

{{Infobox song

| name = Get Right Witcha

| cover = Migos - Get Right Witcha.jpg

| alt =

| type = song

| artist = Migos

| album = Culture

| released = January 27, 2017

| recorded =

| studio =

| venue =

| genre =

| length = 4:17

| label =

| writer =

| producer =

| misc =


"'Get Right Witcha'" is a song by American hip hop group Migos from their second studio album 'Culture' (2017) and was produced by Murda Beatz and Zaytoven.


The song features a flute-based instrumental, and is about the Migos' lifestyle, depicted as extravagant and busy.

Critical reception

In a 'Complex' review of 'Culture', the song was praised: "On 'Get Right Witcha', you go from infectious Quavo hook to fire Quavo verse to insane Offset verse and finish with Takeoff spazzing. The song never lets up the momentum, and the energy between all three Migos is palpable."

Music video

The music video for the song, directed by King Content, was released on April 5, 2017. Filmed in Sunset Ranch Hollywood, it sees the members of Migos in expensive cars, wearing jewelry, showing stacks of money, and riding horses as well. The video also shows "lingerie-clad women" dancing.




Category:2017 songs

Category:Migos songs

Category:Songs written by Quavo

Category:Songs written by Takeoff (rapper)

Category:Songs written by Offset (rapper)

Category:Song recordings produced by Murda Beatz

Category:Song recordings produced by Zaytoven

Category:Songs written by Murda Beatz

Category:Songs written by Zaytoven

Category:300 Entertainment singles

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