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Freight Train (Nitro song)

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Wikipedia article

"'Freight Train'" is a song by Nitro from their 1989 album 'O.F.R.'. In the video for the song, Michael Angelo Batio uses the one-of-a-kind quad guitar, which is a guitar with four necks. The top two necks have seven strings and the bottom two have six strings. The guitar was stolen after the second performance of the "Nitro O.F.R" tour in El Paso, Texas. Then, in 2004, a fan showed up to one of Batio's performances with a guitar case. The fan opened up the case to reveal two of the four guitars that had made up the famous quad guitar.

Jim Gillette performs a shriek before the first guitar solo, considered among the highest in popular heavy metal music.Top 10 High-Pitch Metal Singers via Noisecreep http://noisecreep.com/top-10-high-pitch-metal-singers/

Music video

Howard Johnson writing for Classic Rock ranked the song's video at No. 7 on their list of The Top 10 Best Hair Metal Videos.


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