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Cry (Dragon song)

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Wikipedia article

"'Cry'" is a song by New Zealand-Australian rock band Dragon released in May 1984 as the third single from the group's seventh studio album 'Body and the Beat' (1984). The song peaked at number 17 on the Australian Kent Music Report.

Track listing

# Cry (Johanna Pigott, Todd Hunter) - 3:43

# What Am I Gonna Do? (Alan Mansfield, Kenny Jacobson, Robert Taylor, Paul Hewson, Todd Hunter) - 3:41



* Guitar, vocals Robert Taylor

* Keyboards, guitar, vocals Alan Mansfield

* Keyboards, vocals Paul Hewson

* Lead vocals Marc Hunter

* Percussion Terry Chambers

* Vocals, bass Todd Hunter


Category:Dragon (band) songs

Category:1984 singles

Category:1984 songs

Category:Polydor Records singles

Category:Mercury Records singles

Category:Songs written by Johanna Pigott

Category:Songs written by Todd Hunter

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