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Don't Make Me Wait (Peech Boys song)

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Wikipedia article

"'Don't Make Me Wait'" is a song recorded by the Peech Boys in 1982. It was written by the band and produced by Paradise garage DJ Larry Levan. It was released by West End Records and peaked at No. 89 on the 'Billboard' R&B singles chart and No. 49 on the UK Singles Chart.

"Don't Make Me Wait" received a respectable play at Paradise Garage. The song is characterized by overdubbed bass, soulful vocals, and gospel-like piano lines reminiscent of those in house music.

Track listing

;12" vinyl

* US: West End / WES-22140


*Charles Walden engineer

*Larry Levan, Michael de Benedictus - producers

*Howie Weinberg at Masterdisk, New York mastering

*"Special thanks to: Robert P. Kasper"

Chart positions


Category:1980s ballads

Category:1982 singles

Category:1982 songs

Category:Post-disco songs

Category:West End Records singles

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