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Wrst du doch in Dsseldorf geblieben

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Wikipedia article

'Wrst du doch in Dsseldorf geblieben' ('If only you had stayed in Dsseldorf') is a song written by Georg Buschor and and made famous by a 1968 recording by Dorthe Kollo.

Siw Malmkvist recorded the song in Swedish, as "Ingenting gr upp mot gamla Skne" ('Nothing comes close to old Scania'). It was used as a B-side for her single 'Mamma r lik sin mamma' ("Sadie, the Cleaning Lady"), released August 1968., with lyrics in Swedish Per Spelman. With the song, Siw Malmkvist scored a Svensktoppen for two weeks between 2027 October 1968, with positions 7 and 9.


Category:1968 songs

Category:Siw Malmkvist songs

Category:German-language songs


Category:Songs about Germany

Category:Songs about cities

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