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She Caught the Katy

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Wikipedia article

'"She Caught the Katy (And Left Me a Mule to Ride)"' is a blues standard written by Taj Mahal and James Rachell. The song was first recorded for Taj Mahal's 1968 album 'The Natch'l Blues', and is one of Mahal's most famous tunes. It has since been covered many times, and is included on the soundtrack for the 1980 movie 'The Blues Brothers' (the song plays over the opening credits, as Jake Blues leaves prison). According to John Belushi's widow, it was Belushi's favorite blues song.

The "Katy" refers to the MissouriKansasTexas Railroad.

Other renditions

*The Blues Brothers'The Blues Brothers'

*Peter Frampton Band'All Blues'

*Albert King'Lovejoy'

*PhishLive performance

*Wet WillieLive performance

*Widespread PanicLive performance

*The Youngbloods'High on a Ridge Top'

See also

*List of train songs


Category:1968 songs

Category:Taj Mahal (musician) songs

Category:The Blues Brothers songs

Category:The Youngbloods songs

Category:Blues songs

Category:Songs about trains

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