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Believe What You Say

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Wikipedia article

"'Believe What You Say'" is a song written by Dorsey Burnette and Johnny Burnette and performed by Ricky Nelson. The song reached #4 on the 'Billboard' Hot 100, #6 on the R&B chart, and #10 on the country chart in 1958.[http://www.musicvf.com/song.php?title=Believe+What+You+Say+by+Ricky+Nelson&id=35038 Ricky Nelson, "Believe What You Say" Chart Positions] Retrieved April 2, 2014 The song appeared on his 1959 album, 'Ricky Sings Again'.[http://www.discogs.com/Ricky-Nelson-Ricky-Sings-Again/release/1948990 Ricky Nelson, 'Ricky Sings Again'] Retrieved April 2, 2014 The song also appeared on his 1970 album, 'In Concert at the Troubadour, 1969'.

The Burnette brothers along with Joe Campbell sit on Nelson's home steps to get a meeting with him. Their persistence and their work impressed Nelson, and he agreed to record the song. This is the first recording that Nelson recorded with musicians James Burton, James Kirkland, Richie Frost, and Gene Garf.

Other versions

*Billy Burnette released a version of the song in 1976.


Category:1958 songs

Category:1958 singles

Category:Songs written by Dorsey Burnette

Category:Songs written by Johnny Burnette

Category:Ricky Nelson songs

Category:Imperial Records singles

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