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Gelobt seist du, Herr Jesu Christ

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Wikipedia article

"'Gelobt seist du, Herr Jesu Christ'" (Praised be you, Lord Jesus Christ) is a Catholic hymn, addressing Jesus as the King. The five stanzas, composed in 1886, was written by the German Jesuit and hymnologist Guido Maria Dreves, and the melody was composed in 1928, three years after the introduction of the Feast of Christ the King, by the Austrian church musician Josef Venantius von Wss.

First publication

Dreves published the text in a collection of self-composed hymns entitled 'Krnze ums Kirchenjahr' (Paderborn 1886). There, between an Himmelfahrts and several Pentecost Lieder, it is combined with two other hymns under the heading 'Von des Herren Knigtum' [Of the Lord's Kingship].Hermann hlein: 'Kirchenlied und Textgeschichte: literarische Traditionsbildung am Beispiel des deutschen Himmelfahrtsliedes von der Aufklrung bis zur Gegenwart'. Wrzburg 1995, [https://books.google.com/books?id=wwzWJS2c0H0C&pg=PA156&lpg=PA156&dq=Kr%C3%A4nze+ums+Kirchenjahr+gelobt+seist+du+herr+jesu+christ&source=bl&ots=g_T9UCGFC0&sig=FJ_dcSyEw4HpIniSzXpvRFBM8K4&hl=de&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiax8e0tK3cAhUK2aQKHYpuAOgQ6AEISjAK#v=onepage&q&f=false ]


The five stanzas each consist of four lines with the rhyming sequence A-B A-B and describe Jesus Christ as the "King of all honours" and the "A and O of the worlds". The song begins with the eponymous praise "Praised be you, Lord Jesus"Jesu" here is the Greek Latin vocative of the name, see Declination of the name Jesus. Christ" and ends with the petitions "Be near us" and "into your kingdom invite us".Markus Bautsch: [http://www.mater-dolorosa-lankwitz.de/wiki/doku.php/musik:gelobt_seist_du_herr_jesus_christ Gelobt seist du, Herr Jesu Christ], Mater Dolorosa (Berlin-Lankwitz) from January 2017, retrieved 28 August 2021

Unlike other Christ the King hymns, it does not emphasise Christ's victory over death, but rather his reign over time, space and life. In this context, the text is reminiscent of the Exultet from the liturgy of the Easter Vigil.[https://nachtdesherrn.wordpress.com/2011/11/20/christkonig-halleluja/ Christknig Halleluja], Nacht des Herrn Gedanken ber Gott und die Welt, retrieved 28 August 2021[https://www.evangeliums.net/lieder/lied_gelobt_seist_du_herr_jesu_christ.html 'Gelobt seist du, Herr Jesu Christ'] (in German) evangeliums.net


The song melody by Josef Venantius von Wss is composed in a major key and constantly alternates between a rhythm of two and a rhythm of three. The refrain verse "Christknig, Halleluja, Halleluja." added as the fifth line to all verses consists of three measures of three.

The hymn is in this setting without the second verse, which deals with the crown of Christ and his throne, in the 'Gotteslob' under number 375 and is also sung ecumenically.In the old 'Gotteslob' it bears the number 560.


Arrangements of the Lied can be found among others at:

* Ludger Sthlmeyer, choral movement for mixed choir (SATB) from 1990

* Karl Norbert Schmid, movement for choir and winds (opus 39, 203)


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