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Aberystwyth (hymn tune)

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Wikipedia article

"'Aberystwyth'" is a hymn tune composed by Joseph Parry, written in 1876 and first published in 1879 in Edward Stephen's 'Ail Lyfr Tonau ac Emynau' (Welsh for 'Second Book of Tunes and Hymns').[http://oxfordindex.oup.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095343847 'The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music']Let the People Sing: Hymn Tunes in Perspective, Paul Westermeyer, page 217 Parry was at the time the first professor and head of the new department of music at the recently founded University College Wales, Aberystwyth, now called Aberystwyth University.


The tune "Aberystwyth" has been the most popular setting for Charles Wesley's hymn "Jesus, Lover of My Soul".[http://www.hymnary.org/texts?qu=tuneAuthNumber%3Aaberystwyth_parry%20in%3Atexts&sort=matchingInstances Hymnary.org]


Some claim the melody of South Africa's former anthem, Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika, is derived from this hymn, while others have called the connection far fetched.


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Plac-Aberystwyth-Joseph-Parry.jpg|Plaque to commemorate the 1st performance of the hymn tune "Aberystwyth" on Aberystwyth town's former English Congregational church, now a medical surgery

Capel Anibynnwyr Saesneg Aberystwyth.jpg|Church Surgery, Aberystwyth, formerly the English Congregationalist Church


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Category:National symbols of South Africa

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