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The Lion Men: Ultimate Showdown

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Wikipedia article

'The Lion Men: Ultimate Showdown' is a Singapore action comedy film directed by Jack Neo and starring Tosh Zhang, Wang Weiliang, Eva Cheng and Chen Tianwen. The main plot revolves around two lion dance groups pitting themselves against each other.


* Tosh Zhang as Shishen/Supreme

* Wang Weiliang as Mikey

* Eva Cheng as Xiao Yu

* Chen Tianwen as Master He

* Noah Yap as Zhang Bu Da

* Charlie Goh as Ah Qiang

* Maxi Lim as Babyface


After the events from the first part, Lion Men 2 picks up after Mikey's superb performance. Shi Shen becomes jealous of Mikey, especially after he discovers Mikey's feelings for Xiao Yu. Determined to succeed, Shi Shen spends more time training, neglecting Xiao Yu. Situation worsens when Xiao Yu is kidnapped, forcing Shi Shen and Mikey to choose between the competition and their love for Xiao Yu. Who will step up to save her?



The official theme song of 'The Lion Men: Ultimate Showdown', titled "We Are Brothers" was composed by Jack Neo, Tosh Zhang and Bunz Bao.


'The Lion Men: Ultimate Showdown' was released on 12 June 2014.


Category:2014 films

Category:Singaporean comedy films

Category:Films directed by Jack Neo

Category:Singaporean action films

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