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Unconvention: A Mix-Tape from St. Paul, RNC '08

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Wikipedia article

'Unconvention: A Mix-Tape from St. Paul, RNC '08' is a documentary directed by Minneapolis artist Chris Strouth about the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota. The film edits together a wide variety of film and video shot by dozens of independent journalists and citizen videographers with divergent political viewpoints, compiling a mosaic of perspectives on the four days of the convention. It was produced by Alternavision Films, a California production company specializing in political documentaries. 'Unconvention' was one of eight full-length features chosen to debut as part of the "Minnesota Made" series at the 2009 MinneapolisSaint Paul International Film Festival.

Critical reception

While the film was not widely distributed, it received accolades from several critics. The 'Minnesota Daily's Tony Libera called it "an engaging, at times terrifying, record" of the events surrounding the RNC. Peter S. Scholtes of 'City Pages' said, "Whenever it opens, you must see 'Unconvention'," adding that "the movie feels raw, unprocessed, and complexwith an eye toward every possible irony."


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