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The Villain (2009 film)

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Wikipedia article

'The Villain' is a 2009 French comedy film written and directed by and starring Albert Dupontel.


Sydney Thomas, a gangster nicknamed Le Vilain, decides to hide from the police by going to his mother's. She discovers that he hid from her his "rogue" nature since his childhood and promises to God to make him repent, but Sydney would prefer to kill his mother.


* Catherine Frot as Maniette Thomas, Sydney's mother

* Albert Dupontel as Sydney Thomas, "le Vilain"

* Bouli Lanners as Nick Korazy

* Nicolas Mari as Doc William

* Bernard Farcy as Inspector Elliot

* Christine Murillo as Carmen Somoza, the Spanish teacher

* Jacqueline Herve as Huguette

* Philippe Duquesne as The redhead painter

* Husky Kihal as The other painter

* Xavier Robic as Korazy's secretary


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