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The Man Who Knew Everything

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Wikipedia article

'The Man Who Knew Everything' is a 2009 Russian film directed by Vladimir Mirzoyev on the same name novel by .[http://newtimes.ru/articles/detail/68660/ . : NewTimes]


Alexander Bezukdalnikov, as a result of an attempt to commit suicide, suddenly finds the phenomenal ability to instantly get an answer to any question. Modest and harmless, he becomes a good game for all women, criminal authorities and even international intelligence services. Some try to use it, others destroy it. But the little man continues to live according to the laws of his own conscience.


* Egor Beroev as Alexander Bezukladnikov

* Ekaterina Guseva as Irina

* Yegor Pazenko as Sergey Nemchenko

* Tatyana Lyutaeva as Raisa Alekseevna

* Maksim Sukhanov as Nikolay Shimkevich

* Olga Lysak as Anzhela

* Andrey Tashkov as Valery Dmitrievich Stefanov

Awards and nominations

* Nika Award (2009):

** Best Supporting Actor Maksim Sukhanov (win)[http://kino-nika.com/the-national-award/winner/184--lr-2009-.html 2009 ]

** Best Cinematographer Sergei Machilsky (nom)[http://kinoglaz.ru/-/--/ ]


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