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Prime Mover (film)

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Wikipedia article

'Prime Mover' is a 2009 Australian romantic crime film which stars Michael Dorman, Emily Barclay, Ben Mendelsohn, Gyton Grantley, William McInnes, Anthony Hayes and Andrew S. Gilbert. It is directed by acclaimed film and television director David Caesar of 'Mullet' and 'Dirty Deeds' fame, in which he also worked with McInnes, Mendelsohn and Gilbert.

The film was released to European audiences in Germany on 8 February 2009 and in Australia on 8 June 2009.


David Caesar first wrote the script in 1983. The Australian Film Commission had provided Caesar money to research the script in Alice Springs and offered him $1 million to make the movie but Caesar felt that he needed $2 million. In the late 1980s he almost got the film funded through the Film Finance Corporation but was unable and instead made 'Greenkeeper'."David Caesar  a Case Study", 'Cinema Papers', August 1991 p38

Box office

'Prime Mover' grossed $52,119 at the box office in Australia.

See also

*Cinema of Australia


Category:Australian crime films

Category:Australian romance films

Category:Romantic crime films

Category:2000s English-language films

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