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Prem Aamar

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Wikipedia article

'Prem Aamar' is a 2009 Bengali romantic drama film directed by Raj Chakraborty. It stars Soham Chakraborty and Payel Sarkar in lead roles. It was released on 9 October 2009. It is a remake of the Tamil-Telugu bilingual blockbuster film '7G Rainbow Colony'.


Rabi (Soham) belongs to a lower-middle-class family and lives with his parents and his younger sister in a Railway Quarters Colony. He is seen by the others in the community as a good-for-nothing fellow as he skips classes, fails in exams, gets involved in fights, goes behind girls, and hangs out with friends most of the time. Rabi also thinks that his father hates him and often quarrels with him, even threatening to leave the house once and for all, only to be persuaded not to do so by his mother.

Rabi's life changes when a family comes into their colony below Rabi's house. Rabi finds that the family has a beautiful and educated girl, Riya (Payal) and falls for her heavenly beauty and charm, getting attracted to her gradually. Rabi tries to garner her attention but Riya has a poor opinion of him after watching his antics like creating trouble in a cinema and interrupting her performance during a colony get-together.

Riya, who gradually starts falling for Rabi, is warned about the fact that her life would be ruined if she would be with him and she is partially convinced. However, on Rabi's insistence, Riya escapes from her house, but unbeknownst to Rabi, she has planned to marry another man instead of him and refuses Rabi's advances saying that she doesn't love him and only came with him to a guesthouse to let him know of it. Rabi is infuriated and decides to make out with Riya and convince her, and when she refuses, he starts arguing with her and says he wants to be with her.

They continue arguing as they exit the guesthouse. Upon crossing the road, Riya is knocked down by a truck, even as a helpless Rabi watches the horrible accident right before his eyes. Rabi is also hit by a speeding vehicle while running towards the scene. The scene shifts to the hospital where everyone is mourning Riya's demise and a badly wounded Rabi tries to get a glimpse of his lady love even as he is stopped by his friend Kamdev. Rabi goes to the morgue and finds Riya's dead body.

Later, Rabi is shown trying to be unsuccessful in committing suicide, as he survives every time. His last attempt leads to utter chaos on a busy city road and leads to several people beating him up. He is saved by a small group of nuns and as they try to talk to him, he sees Riya passing by. Riya takes him from those nuns and goes with Rabi walking. They settled down at a place and Riya pleads with Rabi to go on with his life so that she can be alive with his memories and love. Finally, Riya left an injured crying Rabi in the street symbolising that it is Rabi's illusion that makes Riya alive in his memories forever.


* Soham Chakraborty as Rabi

* Payel Sarkar as Riya

* Biswajit Chakraborty as Riya's father

* Laboni Sarkar as Riya's mother

* Tathoi Deb as Rabi's sister

* Tulika Basu as Rabi's mother

* Supriyo Dutta as Rabi's father

* Parthasarathi Chakraborty as Rabi's friend

*Shweta Bhattacharya as Riya's Friend

* Prasun Gain


Jeet Gannguli composed the music, and Priyo Chattopadhyay, Gautam Sushmit, and Anindya Chatterjee wrote the lyrics.

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