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Onan (film)

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Wikipedia article

'Onan' (English 'literal translation':Garden Lizard) is a 2009 action thriller film. It is the debut film of writer/director Shyam Madhavan Sarada. The Tamil/English guerrilla film was shot in the Indian cities of Chennai and Kochi with a mainly amateur cast.



* Ramar Ramamoorthy as Charlie

* David W. Williams as Chopper

* Kaamatchinaadhan as Thambi

* Kabirdas Madhavan as Dev

* Dawn Akemi as Jenny

* Heera Selvaraj as Heera

'Onan' features an ensemble cast and marks the feature debut of Ramar Ramamoorthy, David W. Williams and Kabirdas Madhavan as actors. 'Onan' also features Kollywood actors Kaamatchinadhan and Heera Selvaraj. Actor Dawn Akemi appears in an Indian movie for the first time.


'Onan' was an official selection at the Global Cinema Festival 2009, and featured in the "Vista India" section.


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