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Escaping Tel Aviv

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Wikipedia article

'Welad El-Am' (; ), known internationally as 'Escaping Tel Aviv', is a 2009 Egyptian film directed by Sherif Arafa and starring Karim Abdel Aziz, Sherif Mounir and Mona Zaki.(18 March 2010). [http://www.trouw.nl/cultuur/film/article3018052.ece/Joden_in_de_schurkenrol__in_drakerig_actiethriller__.html Joden in de schurkenrol in drakerig actiethriller], 'Trouw' (in Dutch), Retrieved December 15, 2010 (critical review saying the movie glorifies Arabs and paints Israeli Jews as villains, just as bad as Hollywood films painting Arabs as villains)(16 March 2010). [http://www.nu.nl/film/2205843/deze-film-doorbreekt-taboe-in-arabische-wereld.html Deze film doorbreekt taboe in Arabische wereld], 'NU.nl' (in Dutch), Retrieved December 15, 2010 (reporting that film caused much controversy in Arab media)


Salwa (played by Mona Zaki) is an Egyptian woman who discovers that her husband (played by Sherif Mounir) is a Mossad agent and abducts her with her two young children to Israel. Mostafa (Karim Abdel Aziz), an intelligent officer is assigned to rescue Salwa and her children and bring them back to Egypt.

See also

* Cinema of Egypt

* List of Egyptian films of the 2000s


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