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Wikipedia article

'Cadavres' is a Canadian comedy thriller film, directed by rik Canuel and released in 2009. It is a film adaptation of the 1998 novel 'Cadavres' by Franois Barcelo, a tragicomedy about the deadly feelings that unite a brother and sister who have nothing in common.


One Halloween, the alcoholic mother of good-for-nothing Raymond suddenly dies, and he throws her body in a ditch. Repenting, he calls his sister Angle, an actress who he has not seen for ten years, to help find the corpse. But the corpse they bring back in the ruined family home is not that of their mother. The brother and the sister start a sinister adventure involving two gangsters in dire straits, two chilling dealers, a dishonest artist agent, a terribly stupid cop, and a horde of pigs.



The film was released February 20, 2009. It received mixed criticism and failed to create substantial revenue at the box-office.[http://www.canoe.com/divertissement/cinema/entrevues/2009/03/17/8780321-jdm.html Journal de Montral] , March 2009


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