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Emilio (film)

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Wikipedia article

'Emilio' is a 2008 American drama film written and directed by Kim Jorgensen, starring Walter Perez, Danny Martinez, Alejandro Patio, Wendell Wright, Jesse Garcia, and Ryan McTavish. It was released theatrically in the U.S. on November 4, 2016.



* Walter Perez as Emilio

* Danny Martinez as Jose

* Alejandro Patio as Fausto

* Wendell Wright as Octavio (bum)

* Jesse Garcia as Hot Dog Vendor

* Ryan McTavish as Zack


Critical response

The film received a favorable critical review by Todd McCarthy ('Variety (magazine)'), stating "'Emilio' delivers an engrossing and sometimes vibrant portrait of a naive Mexican kids sink-or-swim encounter with the urban beast that is contempo Los Angeles."


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