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December (2008 film)

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Wikipedia article

'December' is a 2008 Brazilian drama film and directoral debut of Selton Mello. Shot in Rio de Janeiro, it stars Leonardo Medeiros, Darlene Glria, Graziella Moretto, Paulo Guarnieri, and Lcio Mauro.


Caio (Leonardo Medeiros) travels to his hometown to visit his family on Christmas Eve. At the reunion, he must deal with past memories.

From start, the film exposes a structural functioning: it is an example of a "performance cinema".


*Leonardo Medeiros as Caio

*Darlene Glria as Mrci

*Graziella Moretto as Fabiana

*Paulo Guarnieri as Theo

*Lcio Mauro as Miguel

*Fabricio Reis as Bruno

*Thelmo Fernandes as Neto

*Cludio Mendes as Thales

*Daniel Torres as Vitor

*Rose Abdallah as Clia

*Lucas Guarnieri as Thiago

*Liz Maggini Seraphin as Bia

*Hossein Minussi as Alex

*Emiliano Queiroz as Z do Caixo

*Nathalia Dill as Marlia


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