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The Last Tunnel (2004 film)

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Wikipedia article

'The Last Tunnel' is a Canadian crime drama film, directed by rik Canuel and released in 2004.[http://www.filmsquebec.com/films/dernier-tunnel-erik-canuel/ "Dernier tunnel, Le Film drik Canuel"]. 'Films du Qubec', December 29, 2008. Based on the autobiography of convicted bank robber Marcel Talon,[http://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/justice-et-affaires-criminelles/200810/25/01-32828-marcel-talon-denonce-lacharnement-a-son-endroit.php "Marcel Talon dnonce l'acharnement son endroit"]. 'La Presse', October 25, 2008. the film stars Michel Ct as a recently released prisoner reuniting his criminal colleagues to pull off one last heist. The cast also includes Jean Lapointe, Christopher Heyerdahl, Sbastien Huberdeau and Cline Bonnier.


The film garnered eight Genie Award nominations at the 25th Genie Awards:

*Best Actor (Ct)

*Best Supporting Actor (Lapointe)

*Art Direction/Production Design (Jean Bcotte)

*Cinematography (Bernard Couture)

*Editing (Jean-Franois Bergeron)

*Overall Sound (Dominique Chartrand, Gavin Fernandes and Pierre Paquet)

*Sound Editing (Christian Rivest)

*Achievement in Music: Original Score (Michel Corriveau)

It won the awards for Best Supporting Actor and Best Overall Sound.


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