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Hypnotized and Hysterical (Hairstylist Wanted)

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Wikipedia article

'Hypnotized and Hysterical (Hairstylist Wanted)' (original title: 'Filles perdues, cheveux gras' English: 'Lost Girls, Greasy Hair') is a 2002 French musical comedy-drama film about the crossing paths of three lost young women. It was directed by Claude Duty.

The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival on 17 May 2002.


Three lost women cross paths and help each other. Elodie (Olivia Bonamy) wants her daughter back, Natacha (Marina Fos) wants her cat back, and Marianne (Amira Casar) wants her soul back.


* Amira Casar as Marianne

* Marina Fos as Natacha

* Olivia Bonamy as lodie

* Charles Berling as Arnaud

* Sergi Lpez as Philippe

* La Drucker as Coraline

* Esse Lawson as Cindy

* Margot Abascal as Corine

* Evelyne Buyle as Madame Plissier

* Judith El Zein as Marianne's Mother

* Batrice Costantini as Natasha's boss

* Amadou Diallo as Kirikou

* Jean-Franois Gallotte as Jean-Franois

* Amelle Chahbi as Karine

* Lorella Cravotta as Chief Nurse

* Lise Lamtrie as Elodie's colleague



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