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Risk (2001 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Risk' is a 2001 Australian film about insurance fraud directed by Alan White and starring Tom Long, Bryan Brown, and Claudia Karvan.[http://www.urbancinefile.com.au/home/view.asp?a=4849&s=Interviews Andrew L. Urban, "WHITE, ALAN: RISK", 'Urban Cinefile', 17 May 2001] accessed 4 December 2012 The film is based on the story 'The Adjuster' by Tracy Kidder.

Plot synopsis

John Kriesky (Bryan Brown) is a veteran insurance investigator who is tempted towards the wrong side of the law. With the help of an amateur con man Ben (Tom Long), John hatches a scheme to substantiate false claims by taking part of several questionable claims his firm has settled for a fraction of what they're usually worth. John and Ben get help in their illegal business by a lawyer named Louise (Claudia Karvan) has an addiction cocaine problem and is also John's lover. But when Louise becomes involved with Ben and demands a bigger cut of the money, their already-shaky confidence game begins to fall apart.


*Tom Long as Ben Madigan

*Claudia Karvan as Louise Roncoli

*Melissa Madden Gray as Colleen

*Bryan Brown as John Kriesky

*Jason Clarke as Chris

*Sharin Contini as Mrs. Whelan

*Thomas Clunie as Mr. Whelan

*Brian Meegan as Instructor


'Risk' was met with positive reviews from critics and audiences, earning an 80% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Scott Weinberg of 'Apollo Guide' gave a positive reviews, commenting "'Risk' may not be the most unique crime drama to come down the pike, but it's certainly intriguing and polished enough to earn a look."

Jason Gorber of 'Film Scouts' gave a negative review, calling it "a straight ahead, uneventful movie. Boring in parts, the film tries to work as a slick Indie feature but seems like a tired Hollywood film."


Bryan Brown was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the FCCA Awards.


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