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Plaster Caster

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Wikipedia article

'Plaster Caster' is a 2001 documentary film about Cynthia Plaster Caster, the groupie who became famous for making plaster casts of rock stars' penises, including her first one of Jimi Hendrix's penis.


The film explores how Cynthia developed her unique pursuit, follows the ups and downs of casting sessions with a shy guitarist and an extroverted glam rocker, and goes along for the ride as Cynthia prepares for her first gallery show in New York City in 2001.

Interview subjects

* Jello Biafra (Dead Kennedys)

* Eric Burdon (The Animals)

* Pete Shelley (The Buzzcocks)

* Jon Langford (Mekons)

* Wayne Kramer (MC5)

* Paul Barker (Ministry)

* Chris Connelly (The Revolting Cocks)

* Ian Svenonius (The Make-Up, Nation of Ulysses)

* Momus

* Camille Paglia

* Ed Paschke

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