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Lily Festival

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Wikipedia article

is a 2001 Japanese movie directed by Sachi Hamano, based on the novel 'Yurisai' by Houko Momotani. The film focuses on the sexuality of older women and won the Jury Prize for "Best Feature - Lesbian" at the Philadelphia International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival.

Cast and characters

*Kazuko Yoshiyuki as Rie Miyano

*Mickey Curtis as Terujiro Miyoshi

*Utae Shoji as Umeka Mariko

*Kazuko Shirakawa as Renako Yokota

*Sanae Nakahara as Teruko Satoyama

*Sachiko Hara as Atsuko Namiki

See also

*Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival

*List of LGBT-related films directed by women


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