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Everyday God Kisses Us On The Mouth

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Wikipedia article

'n fiecare zi Dumnezeu ne srut pe gur' ('Everyday God Kisses Us On The Mouth') is a 2001 Romanian film directed by Sinia Dragin and starring Ana Ciontea, Dan Condurache and Horaiu Mlele.


* Dan Condurache as Dumitru

* Ana Ciontea as Dumitru's Wife

* Antoaneta Zaharia

* Horaiu Mlele as Milicia Officer

* Dan Atilean as Dumitru's Brother

* Valer Dellakeza

* Cristina Tacoi

* Carmen Ungureanu

* Mirela Gorea

* George Alexandru

* Alexandru Bindea

* Tania Popa

* Elena Alexe

* Viceniu Baniasz

* Mihai Brtil

* Nicolae Bunea

* George Buznea

* Gabriel Costea

* Gheorghe Crciunescu

* Dobre Crciun

* Constantin Drgnescu

* Elena Drghici

* Mihail Dumitrescu

* Constantin Frmi

* Constantin Ghini

* Doinia Ghiescu

* Marius Goicea

* Dobrin Grigorescu

* Carol Gruber

* Anica Gruianu

* Cosmin ofron as The Thief

* Gabriel Spahiu as The Gambler


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