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Days of Nietzsche in Turin

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Wikipedia article

'Days of Nietzsche in Turin' is a 2001 biographical-drama Brazilian film directed by Jlio Bressane about the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.


A cinematographic essay, without dialogues, about the months Friedrich Nietzsche spent in Turin, Italy, with narration quoted by his original writings. It was there that the philosopher wrote some of his most known books such as 'Ecce Homo' and 'Twilight of the Idols '.


*Fernando Eiras as Friedrich Nietzsche

*Paulo Jos

*Tina Novelli

*Mariana Ximenes

*Leandra Leal

*Paschoal Villaboin

*Isabel Themudo

Awards and nominations

* Cinema Brazil Grand Prize, 2003 (Brazil) - Nominated in category of Best Picture

* Venice Film Festival, 2001 (Italy) - Winner of Filmcritica "Bastone Bianco" Award (Jlio Bressane).

* Candango Trophy, 2001 - Winner of Best Screenplay (Rosa Dias and Jlio Bressane)

See also

* Brazilian films of 2001

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