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Ganesha I Love You

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Wikipedia article

'Ganesha I Love You' is a 1997 Kannada film directed by Phani Ramachandra where he uses his favorite screen-title 'Ganesha'. Ananth Nag reprised the titular character. The movie was based on a story by actor Vishnuvardhan with core plot elements adapted from the novel 'Rendu Rella Aaru' by Malladi Venkata Krishna Murthy.


* Ananth Nag as Ganesha

* Sithaara

* Ravinder Mann

* Sunad Raj


Category:1997 films

Category:1990s Kannada-language films

Category:Indian comedy films

Category:Films scored by RajanNagendra

Category:Films directed by Phani Ramachandra

Category:1997 comedy films

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