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Chhnam Oun 16 (1992 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Chhnam Oun 16 ' is a 1992 Cambodian musical movie starring Tep Rundaro, Pisith Pilika, Oum Sovanny, Ampor Tevi, and other stars of the time. The film was released as the 8th Som Ang Rathanak's musical film.


* Tep Rundaro

* Yous Bovannak

* Pisith Pilika

* Ampor Tevi

* Hong Polee Maktura

* Neary Roth Guntea

* Yuthara Chany

* Keo Koliyan

* Hok Leakenna

* Oum Sovanny

* Prum Sovuthy

* Jandarathy

* Bae Vannara

* Chum Achun

* Serey Vichara

* Aek Omrah



Category:Cambodian drama films

Category:Khmer-language films

Category:1992 films

Category:1990s musical films

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