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Fragments: Chronicle of a Vanishing

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Wikipedia article

'Fragments: Chronicle of a Vanishing' (; sometimes translated as 'Fragments: Chronicle of a Disappearance') is a 1991 Croatian film directed by Zrinko Ogresta. The film was selected for the Awards Category 'Young European Film of the Year' for the fourth annual European Film Awards Ceremony (Berlin, 1991).


*Filip ovagovi as Ivan Livaja

*Alma Prica as Ivan's Wife

*Slavko Juraga as Lovro Livaja

*Nada Suboti

*Semka Sokolovi

*Ana Kari

*uro Utjeanovi

*Ivo Gregurevi

*Lena Politeo

*Boidar Orekovi as Tomo Livaja

*Kruno ari


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