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Wikipedia article

'Desperacja' is a Polish historical film, released in 1988. Set in 1862, Colonel Huber, of the Warsaw Tsarist police investigates the Polish underground.


* Maria Krawczyk as Katarzyna Zaborowska

* Krzysztof Ibisz as Marcin

* Janusz Zakrzeski as colonel Huber

* Leszek Zdyba as major Dymitr Woroncow

* Piotr Zawadzki as Wadysaw Daniowski

* Cezary Nowak as Adam Asnyk

* Bogusaw Semotiuk as Wodzimierz Wolski

* Krzysztof Kaczmarek as Wiciak

* Wojciech Asiski as Bareta

* Zbigniew Bogdaski as Abramowicz

* Micha Szewczuk as spy


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