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The Schippan Mystery

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Wikipedia article

'The Schippan Mystery' is a 1984 Australian television film about the murder of Bertha Schippan in 1902.Ed. Scott Murray, 'Australia on the Small Screen 1970-1995', Oxford Uni Press, 1996 p136 Directed by Di Drew, it was last of four telemovies called 'Verdict' produced by the ABC dramatising real cases (the others being 'The Dean Case', 'The Amorous Dentist', and 'Who Killed Hannah Jane?'). It is the only one of the four cases set outside of New South Wales.


On 1 January 1902, 13-year-old Bertha Schippan was murdered in Towitta, South Australia. Her sister, Mary, was initially arrested and tried for the crime, but was acquitted.


*Sally McKenzie - Mary Schippan

* Brandon Burke - Gustave Nitschke

*Joseph Frst - Mathias Schippan

*Dorothy Alison - Mrs. Schippan

* Desiree Smith - Bertha Schippan

*Michael Winchester - August Schippan

*Yves Stening - Willie Schippan

*Martin Vaughan - Detective Edward Priest

*Arthur Dignam - Sir Josiah Symon

* Matthew O'Sullivan - Mr. Stuart


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