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Apprehension (film)

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Wikipedia article

'Apprehension' is a 1982 East German drama film written and directed by Lothar Warneke and starring Christine Schorn.

The film was entered into the main competition at the 39th edition of the Venice Film Festival.Stefano Reggiani. "Ecco i film che a Venezia si contendono i Leoni d'oro". 'La Stampa' (183). 28 July 1982.



* Christine Schorn as Inge Herold

* Hermann Beyer as Dieter Schramm

* Wilfried Pucher as Joachim

* Mike Lepke as Mike

* Christoph Engel as Mann in Beratungsstelle

* Sina Fiedler as Frau in Beratungsstelle

* Cox Habbema as Brigitte

* Jrg Hermann as Frsorger

* Traute Sense as Inges Mutter


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