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The Man Who Knew Love

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Wikipedia article

'The Man Who Knew Love' is a 1976 Spanish biographical film directed by Miguel Picazo which stars Timothy Dalton as John of God alongside Antonio Ferrandis, Jonathan Burn, Antonio Mendoza, Queta Claver and ngela Molina.


Set in 16th-century Granada (featuring everyday concerns such as the denouncement of 'Moriscos' and 'Judaizantes' and the 'limpieza de sangre', as well as the depiction of marginal environments), the plot tracks the life of Juan Ciudad (later known as Juan de Dios) and his struggle against the social, political and religious structures.



Penned by , the screenplay is an adaptation of Jos Cruset's novel 'San Juan de Dios. Una aventura iluminada'. The film is a General Films Corporations production. Filming began in 1976. Shooting locations included Granada.


Distributed by Invercine Distribucin, the film was theatrically released in Spain on 10 August 1978.


The film was not well-received by critics.


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