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Whistling Smith

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Wikipedia article

'Whistling Smith' is a 1975 Canadian short documentary film about Vancouver policeman Sergeant Bernie "Whistling" Smith, directed by Marrin Canell. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short at the 48th Academy Awards.[https://mubi.com/films/whistling-smith Whistling Smith (1975)-MUBI][https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgreSxt9XLQ The End of the Game Wins Documentary Short: 1976 Oscars]


'Whistling Smith' was produced for the National Film Board's 'Pacificanada' series, which aired on CBC-TV in early 1975. The film's narration was written and read by Donald Brittain.


Along with its Oscar nomination, the film won a Canadian Film Award for Sound Re-Recording.


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