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Tomorrow My Love

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Wikipedia article

'Tomorrow My Love' is a 1971 Danish drama film directed by Finn Karlsson and starring Lykke Nielsen.


* Lykke Nielsen - Isabel

* Kirsten Peliche - Marca

* Morten Grunwald - David

* Jesper Langberg - Michael

* Pernille Grumme - Gerd

* Erni Arneson - Isabels mor

* Preben Mahrt - Isabels far

* Poul Petersen - Marcas far

* Bo Bonfils - Gustav

* Helge Scheuer - Boghandler

* Erik Dibbern - Kunde i boghandel

* Niels Andersen - Ljtnant

* Pernille Skov - Pige p vaskeri

* Erik Larsen - Portner

* Esben Hilund Carlsen - Scenograf

* Knud Larsen - Scenearbejder

* Poul Reichhardt - Skuespiller

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