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Svt oteven nhodm

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Wikipedia article

'Svt oteven nhodm' is a 1971 Czechoslovak drama film directed by Karel Stekl.


* Milo Kopeck as Rataj

* Josef Bek as Procurist

* Lubomr Bryg

* Slvka Budnov as Innkeeper Marta

* Jiri Ceporan as Spek

* Jir Dudesek as Singer

* Zita Kabtov as Mother

* Willy Kuk-Znamnko as Startr

* Eva Lorenzov as Dma

* Consuela Morvkov as Karla

* Milos Nesvadba as Foreman

* Ela Poznerov as Lady

* Ren Pribil as Eman

* Toms Sedlcek as Vojta

* Jana vandov as Slvka

* Oldich Velen as Merta

* Milada Vnukov as Berticka


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