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Gold for the Tough Guys of the Prairie

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Wikipedia article

'Gold for the Tough Guys of the Prairie' is a 1971 Danish comedy film directed by Finn Karlsson and starring Dirch Passer.


* Dirch Passer - Biggy

* Willy Rathnov - Sam

* Paul Hagen - Shorty

* Preben Kaas - Ben

* Judy Gringer - Swingdoor-Susie

* Lykke Nielsen - Shannahoo

* Preben Mahrt - Old Jeff

* Carl Ottosen - The Sheriff of Greenville

* Jesper Klein - Telegraph Manager

* Jrgen Kiil - The Sheriff of Cornerstone

* Lars Lune - Slim O'Hara

* Otto Brandenburg - Cowboy

* Jens Jrgen Thorsen - Cowboy

* Poul Glargaard - Cowboy

* Ren de Fries - Cowboy

* Reginald Sams - Cowboy

* Dale Robinson - Cowboy

* Sven Cleemann - Cowboy

* Susanne Breuning - Girl

* Kirsten Sloth - Jenny

* Kurt Andersen - Linedancer

* John Mogensen - Saloonpianist

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