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Wikipedia article

'Emita' (, name of a Diola deity) is a 1971 Senegalese drama film directed by Ousmane Sembne. It was entered into the 7th Moscow International Film Festival where it won a Silver Prize.

The film is set in late World War II, with the Vichy government conscripting men from France's colonies. A revolt breaks out in a Diola village where the women hide the rice crop harvest instead of submitting to the French tax. The resistance unfolds in the village simultaneous to the resistance fighting in metropolitan France. When the metropole is liberated, the Diola village sees portraits of Charles de Gaulle replacing posters of Vichy's Marshal Ptain, but circumstances of the village remain unchanged.

'Emitai' was censored for five years in French-speaking Africa.


* Robert Fontaine as Commandant

* Michel Remaudeau as Lieutenant

* Pierre Blanchard as Colonel

See also

* Cinema of Senegal

* Senegalese Tirailleurs


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