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The Young Tigers of Hong Kong

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Wikipedia article

'The Young Tigers of Hong Kong' (German: 'Die jungen Tiger von Hongkong') is a 1969 West German action film directed by Ernst Hofbauer and starring Robert Woods, Vronique Vendell and Werner Pochath.Bergfelder p.213

The film's sets were designed by the art director Peter Rothe. Location shooting took place around Hong Kong.


* Robert Woods as Rodney

* Vronique Vendell as Ann

* Werner Pochath as Walter

* Barbara Capell as Christine

* Jochen Busse as Carl van Dreegen

* Solvi Stubing

* Michael Bulmer

* Las Franzin

* Huk van Es

* Ralf Wolter as Bob



* Bergfelder, Tim. 'International Adventures: German Popular Cinema and European Co-Productions in the 1960s'. Berghahn Books, 2005.

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