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Fireball Jungle

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Wikipedia article

'Fireball Jungle' is a 1968 melodrama directed by Joseph P. Mawra and starring John Russell and Lon Chaney, Jr. The film featured the hit single, "Love (Can Make You Happy)" by Mercy and was filmed in and around Tampa, Florida.


Gangster Nero Sagittarius hires stock car driver Cateye Meares, leader of a band of sadistic thugs, to help him gain control of several automobile racetracks. Steve Cullen, whose brother was killed in an accident caused by Cateye, races under an alias while attempting to implicate the murderer. Infuriated by Steve's skill, Cateye assaults him. After Sammy, a junkyard owner forced to fence stolen cars for Nero's syndicate, is burned alive, Steve fights Cateye in his hideout. Although badly beaten, Steve attempts to expose Cateye. During the big race, Cateye is killed in a spectacular crash while being chased by the police.


* John Russell as Nero Solitarius

* Lon Chaney, Jr. as Old Sam

* Alan Mixon as Ronald Elwood "Cateye" Meares

* Randy Kirby as Steve Cullen

* Chuck Daniel as Marty

* Nancy Donohue as Ann Tracey

* Vicki Nunis as Judy

* Billy Blueriver as Moose

* Mercy as themselves

* Babs Beatty as fruit stand woman

* Tiny Kennedy as nightclub singer

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