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His First Love

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Wikipedia article

'His First Love' (Spanish: 'Su primer amor') is a 1960 Mexican musical comedy film directed by Juan Jos Ortega and starring Rafael Bertrand, Tere Velzquez and Freddy Fernndez.Riera p.18


* Rafael Bertrand

* Tere Velzquez

* Freddy Fernndez

* Anabelle Gutirrez

* Domingo Soler

* Conchita Gentil Arcos

* Magda Donato

* Antonio Raxel

* Carlos Amador

* Omar Jasso

* Nora Veryn

* Rosina Navarro

* Julio Nader

* Rafael Estrada

* Jorge Mondragon

* ngel Merino



* Emilio Garca Riera. 'Historia documental del cine mexicano: 1959-1960'. Universidad de Guadalajara, 1994.

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