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Der Fall Dr. Wagner

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Wikipedia article

'Der Fall Dr. Wagner' is an East German film directed by Carl Balhaus and Harald Mannl. It was released in 1954.


* Harald Mannl as Dr. Kurt Wagner

* Johanna Endemann as Rita Wagner

* Brigitte Hecht as Inge Wagner

* Dieter Heusinger as Hans Henning

* Hans Wehrl as Gerhard Scholz

* Hans-Peter Thielen as Rudolf Neumann

* Raimund Schelcher as Erich Rckert

* Theo Shall as Rolling

* Wolf Kaiser as Feder

* Peter-Paul Gst as Angehriger der Sicherheitsorgane

* Horst Preusker as VP-Kommandeur

* Werner Berndt as Karlchen Schneider

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