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Husband and Wife (1952 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Husband and Wife' (Italian: 'Marito e moglie') is a 1952 Italian comedy film written, directed and starred by Eduardo De Filippo.Burke p.194 It also features Tina Pica, Titina De Filippo and Luciana Vedovelli.


* Eduardo De Filippo as Matteo Cuomo / Gennaro Imparato

* Titina De Filippo as Concetta Imparato

* Ellida Lorini as Teresinella

* Tina Pica as Rosalia / Fedora

* Luciana Vedovelli as Anna Maria

* Giuseppe Pica as Il figlio scemo

* Vittorio Caprioli

* Riccardo Frera

* Amedeo Girardi

* Sergio Corti



* Frank Burke. 'A Companion to Italian Cinema'. John Wiley & Sons, 2017.

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