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Passion (1951 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Passion' is a 1951 French drama film directed by Georges Lampin and starring Viviane Romance, Clment Duhour and Paul Frankeur.Oscherwitz & Higgins p.380 The film's sets were designed by the art director Robert Clavel.


* Viviane Romance as Marie Charbonnier

* Clment Duhour as Grard Latour

* Paul Frankeur as Jacques Charbonnier

* Jean Brochard as Le directeur de la prison

* Claire Olivier as Georgette Lamy

* Andr Carnge as Le prsident de la Cour

* Marcel Raine as Me. Dalmet

* Daniel Crouet as Me. Barbier

* France Descaut as Soeur Dominique

* Jacques Gencel as Le petit Louis

* Ren Hell as Le bistrot

* Christian Simon as Christian

* Andr Darnay as l'avocat gnral

* Odette Barencey as Madame Latour



* Oscherwitz, Dayna & Higgins, MaryEllen. 'The A to Z of French Cinema'. Scarecrow Press, 2009.

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