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Texas Dynamo

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Wikipedia article

'Texas Dynamo' is a 1950 American Western film directed by Ray Nazarro and written by Barry Shipman. The film stars Charles Starrett, Smiley Burnette, Lois Hall, Jock Mahoney, Slim Duncan and John Dehner. The film was released on June 1, 1950, by Columbia Pictures.



*Charles Starrett as Steve Drake / The Durango Kid

*Smiley Burnette as Smiley Burnette

*Lois Hall as Julia Beck

*Jock Mahoney as Bill Beck

*Slim Duncan as Slim Duncan

*John Dehner as Stanton

*George Chesebro as Kroger

*Gregg Barton as Luke

*Marshall Bradford as Walt Beck

*Fred F. Sears as Hawkins

*Emil Sitka as Turkey


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