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Wild Horse Mesa (1947 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Wild Horse Mesa' is a 1947 American Western film directed by Wallace Grissell and starring Tim Holt, Nan Leslie, and Richard Martin. It was written by Norman Houston, based on the novel of the same name by Zane Grey.

It was the eighth and last of a series of Zane Grey novels filmed by RKO. The book had been previously filmed in 1925 (starring Holt's father) and 1933.Richard Jewell & Vernon Harbin, 'The RKO Story.' New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, 1982. p222


Two cowboys go to work for a rancher and his beautiful daughter. Together they search for wild horses. When they find the horses, a rival rancher offers to purchase them, but during the transaction he murders the good rancher. The rival rancher is soon killed by one of his own men, and he in turn is killed by the wild horse who is the leader of the herd.



The film was shot at RKO's backlot in Encino and at Lone Pine.


External list




*[https://archive.org/stream/variety168-1947-11#page/n135/mode/1up Review of film] at 'Variety'

Category:1947 films

Category:1947 Western (genre) films

Category:Films based on works by Zane Grey

Category:American Western (genre) films

Category:RKO Pictures films

Category:American black-and-white films

Category:1940s American films

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