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Sankt Hans fest

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Wikipedia article

'Sankt Hans fest' (St. John's Festival or Saint Hans' Celebration) is a Norwegian film directed by Toralf Sand. It premiered on April 7, 1947. It is based on the 1887 novel 'Sankt Hans Fest' by Alexander Kielland.


The film follows the plot of the novel. The dour priest Kruse is played by Tore Foss, who opposes the business establishment's town party, which is planned by Johannes Eckhoff as Garman, Jon Lennart Mjen as Randulf, Claus Wiese as Holck, Erling Drangsholt as the bank manager, and Sigurd Magnussn as the county governor. Pressure is placed on both sides by Else Heiberg, who is Randulf's wife.


A review of the film was generally positive, but it criticized the lighting. The review stated that the party committee should have been more jolly, and that the best among the actors was Egil Hjorth-Jenssen, who "stands in a special class as the chief 'rabbit.'"


The song 'St. Hans vals' (Saint John's Waltz) was written for the film by Gunnar Snstevold.'

Norsk bokfortegnelse'. 1961, p. 797.
It was recorded by the Maj Snstevold Ensemble in Oslo on April 16, 1947. The song was released on a 78 rpm disc (Musica A-8515).


Category:Norwegian black-and-white films

Category:1947 films

Category:Films based on Norwegian novels

Category:Norwegian drama films

Category:1940s Norwegian-language films

Category:1947 drama films

Category:Films directed by Toralf Sand

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