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Kvarterets olycksfgel

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Wikipedia article

'Kvarterets olycksfgel' is a 1947 Swedish drama film directed by Per G. Holmgren.


* Wiktor Andersson as Olsson

* Lillemor Appelgren as Britt

* Per-Axel Arosenius as Constable

* Tord Bernheim as Kalle's stepfather

* Astrid Bodin as Berra's mother

* Artur Cederborgh as Man who needs his shoes shined

* David Erikson as Axel Pettersson

* Arthur Fischer as Teacher

* Barbro Flodquist as Kalle's mother

* Erik Forslund as Pettersson's helper

* Sven-Eric Gamble as Hasse Strm


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