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Key Witness (1947 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Key Witness' is a 1947 American film noir crime film directed by D. Ross Lederman and starring John Beal, Trudy Marshall and Jimmy Lloyd..


A man runs away to avoid suspicion of murder and ends up in more trouble.


* John Beal as Milton Higby

* Trudy Marshall as Marge Andrews

* Jimmy Lloyd as Larry Summers

* Helen Mowery as Sally Guthrie

* Wilton Graff as Albert Loring

* Barbara Read as Martha Higby

* Charles Trowbridge as John Ballin

* Harry Hayden as Custer Bidwell


Critical response

When the film was released in 1947, critic Bosley Crowther, was sly in his negative review, "The moral of 'Key Witness', which came to the Rialto yesterday, it says, is that 'no man can escape trouble by trying to run away from it.' This wisdom is demonstrated in the adventures of a desperate young man who attempts to get out of one involvement by changing his identityand runs into others thereby ... There might also be drawn this moral from the evidence presented here: you can't often be sure of entertainment from that which is claimed to be."[https://movies.nytimes.com/movie/review?res=9404EED91F3EE13BBC4850DFB166838C659EDE Crowther, Bosley]. 'The New York Times', film review, July 30, 1947. Accessed: August 12, 2013.


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